The duo rattled on and on until an elderly man came by to salvage the situation. He inquired from the barber what he would have wished the cobbler did differently. The barber recommended that the cobbler looks upwards like he does when walking to enable the cobbler notice an approaching head. However, the cobbler cut in furiously, insisting that he would lose his customers if he were forced to look skywards for by his focusing his gaze downwards, he tends to notice shoes that need mending. The only way he could identify his customers and to make a living was to look downwards.
The elderly man then asked the cobbler what he would have wished the barber also did differently. The cobbler insisted that the barber looks downward like he does when walking to enable the barber notice approaching shoes to prevent bumping into others. However, like the cobbler, the barber was not happy about the proposal and asserted that looking downwards will amount to his losing of his customers for he will miss their unkempt heads and an opportunity to render a service to secure his survival in the city. Bottom line is, the only way he could identify his customers and to make a living was to look upwards.
The elderly man advised both artisans to remain focused on their individual differing paths of life. He also added that they would occasionally bump into each other, which was inevitable, however, they should resist the urge to be coerced into following the path of another which is obviously unsuitable with respect to their chosen purpose in life. The only solution the elderly man proposed to them was to ask for forgiveness whenever they find themselves bumping again into each other but to remain resilient and continue to focus on their individually chosen paths.
The moral of this story is clear. We all are well aware of the fact that we individually seek differing goals in life; while some want to become employees, others want to be the employers, others choose to become craftsmen whereas others want to serve in political capacities not forgetting spiritual leadership and social entrepreneurs. We are all clearly on different paths and should be mindful of the people from which we seek mentorship and advise. There is an important need to pay attention to whose rebuke we succumb to. For instance; a gifted follower who is convinced by a leader to become one because he excels at being a follower may eventually run himself into a ditch as he may be bad at leadership.
Always remember that to stay true to your chosen path regardless of the occasional bumps and discouragements requires discipline and pays off for in staying true to a cause, you do not only realise your purpose but you also discover your true self in the process.
Atsu Dogbey