Sunday, 21 August 2016

Someday Isle

I am the Chief of Someday Isle; your ticket to our peninsula is procrastination
Mediocrity gives you an edge
Laziness and doubt are our watchword
Where the Commander-in-Chief is distraction
He is taxed to arrest our dreams and imaginations

Day dreaming is our mantra
Laughter is not a statute on our books because Lieutenant Fear will cripple it
Action is described as persona non grata, but laziness is primus inter Pares
Our architects are experts at building castles in the air, we honestly don’t care about the foundation

If you are tired of pursuing your dreams we will give you a five-year multiple visa to our island
Don’t be scared, once you arrive we will make your stay permanent
Leave behind your ambition; it’s your sure way of making our Queen Mother idle chatter incensed
On our Independence Day we fly our popular slogan “once bitten twice shy

We disagree with Saint Francis of Assisi, so our creed is;
Lord make us instruments of mediocrity
Where there are dreams help us sow a mirage
Where there is hope – despair
Where there is faith - doubt
Where there is light – darkness

Don’t forget to follow us on Twitter @had_i_known… See you soon.
D. K. Dogbey


  1. Haha I love this piece
    I made my brother read it and he said u have inspired him to start writing again. Such great talent.

  2. Thanks much one of my most cherished and consistent readers. I'm glad our blog inspires your brother. Much appreciated.

  3. Much appreciated Sin Soleng. Thanks much for reading
