Friday, 14 October 2016


She has a frantic urge
To fight the odium that haunts the ledge
On which her soul clings to the very end

With innocent eyes weary of tears
And lips desperate for a drink
She looks life straight in the eye

Why has your unfairness seemed fair for so long?

She fed on paintings of food
Born with a heart of gold
Shares this consoling moment with a pal of old

In this turmoil she abandoned Berth
Her teenage mother,
Fighting the sprites of adolescence

In the city lazily lay her dad
Laughing vociferously at jokes that often turned bad
With no clue of his promising child

Hope seemed to have forgotten her existence
Faith had become a compulsion
Tomorrow, a luxury she always pursues

As her tiny feet steps out alone into the cold, Berth records Day 3…

Excerpts from Bring Back Our Fathers. A Cape Coast Story co-authored by Atsu Dogbey and Tony Afuti


  1. And the story unfolds.... I love it

  2. Yes indeed! The story unfolds.... I'm glad you love it. Thanks much

  3. Exquisite.... I'm I going to read a best seller? I hope so. I love it.

  4. Exquisite.... I'm I going to read a best seller? I hope so. I love it.
