Wednesday 22 August 2018

Whisky! Waiter, Water Wouldn’t Win!

Guts! Gosh, Gluttons Got Guts!
A politician bellowed out of frustration
Less heed is paid to our calls in opposition
Our ideas were sound and ideals right!
Their talk is loud and embezzlement of heaven’s height!
He went on and on… and on he went
I wondered why wisdom isn’t rare once power is spent
He ironically referred to the incumbent as greedy
As each passing glass marked his thinning face mercilessly
I hesitated; tonight’s beer cost will not be borne by me
Coins he counted and placed reluctantly on the table
Outside in the cold he turned to look at me - and assured;
I will honor you when I return to that power stable! - For that, I'm sure!
I slammed the door repeatedly in his face
Guts! Gosh, Gluttons Got Guts!
He said, and sustained a fatal fall on his face

Hush! Homies, Heaven’s Here!
Don’t bother looking up expecting manna
I have been voted for! Right here,
To serve and bring back our due, in honor
Your thumb chose me; not all fingers but one
You’d be damned to want more figures than one!
I will, I promise to cater for your needs
Do your will; share T-shirts and what you’d eat
Look at that glutton who had fallen on his face
He who condemns me will suffer a similar fate
He threw at them, fresh notes of cash
But retained a thousand more in his stash
All but the Waiter, stood up to cheer
All he did was to look on and jeer
Hush! Homies, Heaven’s Here!
Hush! Citizens, Christmas' near!

Waiter! Whisky, Water Wouldn’t Win!
For I cannot comprehend a lost war sober
Now is the time to say, I quit!
As folly embraces ignorance like a brother
Give me two shots, dry and burning hot
In the absence of that, I’d prefer a scotch
I’m undone! For I have witnessed my last
I’d drink to reminisce about times past
Of great leaders and relentless sacrifice
Not coldblooded men of gluttonous edifice
Whisky! Waiter, Water Wouldn’t Win!
I’d rather drink till my head spins!

Atsu Dogbey

Friday 10 August 2018

Dreams & Confessions

In my sleep,
Familiar scenes playback in a rush
Interwoven with feelings of fear
I perceive myself in the most fragile of states
A broken tear and I could lose it all
I yell for help – that comes out real
I am pursued by the darkest of my pleasures
So serpentine is my fate that I avoid dilemmas

I spoke the truth; I someday cheated
I held on still; I never showed you the exit
I endured the kill; although it was multi-faceted
I bet my lips were easily tempted
As I spoke words that could have waited

So serpentine is my fate that I avoid dilemmas
Like; Who and why?
When and how?
Who was I?
I asked then and now,
With an eventual sigh

As I spoke words that could have waited,
My options of exit grew limitless
I look back at love that tasted sour
And find myself wanting more
In dreamland, it is a love-not-to-loose
Realistically, this love-did-me-no-good

I must go,
For I have confessions to make in my sleep
Truths I’d rather not keep
As darkness steals through light unnoticed,
So was my love pained but left unnoticed.

Atsu Dogbey